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Samsung RF23M8090SR RF23M8090SG RF23M8070SR RF23M8070SG RF23M8080SR Service Manual

Samsung RF23M8090SR RF23M8090SG RF23M8070SR RF23M8070SG RF23M8080SR French door refrigerator original service, repair and factory technicians guide.

This service and repair manual is used by all certified Samsung Technicians and repair shops. It will help you to troubleshoot and repair your refrigerator!

You will receive in-depth technical information about:
Precautions(Safety Warnings)
Product Specifications
Disassembly And Reassembly
PBA Diagram
Wiring Diagram
Model Code Table 

This service manual is extremely detailed and illustrated with pictures and step-by- step instructions on how to repair/service this device the best way there is!

Please note; this is the ORIGINAL and COMPLETE service repair manual in PDF format, no scanned-in or bootlegged copy.
This manual is made in the highest resolution, so when you print the pages you need it is all in great quality!

After your payment, you will have instant access to your download. No shipping fee, no waiting on postal delivery, you can start your repairs within a matter of seconds!

Language: English
Format: PDF, ZIP
Pages: 100


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